4Civility Institute Principals
Tony Belak, Gerry Rooney, Dr. Quantock and Dr. Curtin combined, have over 80 years of mediation experience as practicing mediators and as teaching and training professionals. They have educated and trained in excess of 5,000 mediators around the globe. Tony Belak developed mediation training for the U.S Government and continues to provide mediation services to the U.S. Postal Services. Tony Belak and Dr. Curtin teach both graduate and undergraduate courses in mediation at the University of Louisville and in 2002 Mr. Belak and Dr. Curtin created the first blended, online and face-to-face mediation program for a major law firm that needed flexibility in its training. The U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) adopted the training they developed to train federal mediators. FMCS reports directly to the U.S. President and works to resolve major labor disputes. The Irish government approved the training in 2005 and training continues in Ireland under the direction of Gerry Rooney. They have found the blended training to be effective in training busy professionals as well as those geographically isolated. Students are using their mediation skills in numerous settings, including the judicial system, government, business, education, healthcare, schools, the military, and life. Successful students receive a certificate from the 4Civility Institute and the training has met the accepted mediation standards in every jurisdiction that has reviewed them.
Dr. Curtin's research has been directed toward school and workplace bullying and restorative justice. He is a frequent speaker and has been published on both topics. All four principals write extensively on alternative dispute resolution, workplace bullying, building organizational trust leaders, and the importance of workplace ombuds.
Gerry Rooney is the former President of the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII), has joined 4Civility Ireland as a Director. Gerry brings extensive experience in workplace and commercial alternative dispute resolution services, learning and development, and Dignity at work interventions. He is a learning and development professional and experienced HR and Industrial relations practitioner; Equality Auditor; External Workplace Adjudicator with the Workplace Relations Commission; and a MII certified Mediator. Gerry trains Mediators to certification level in Ireland, and presents on Mediation and Equality issues nationally and internationally, including the presentations at the World Mediation Conference in Brazil, to EQUINET- the European Network of Equality Bodies representing some 33 member organizations from 28 EU countries, and to AMATI (Association of Mediator Assessors and Trainers) in London. In his role as President of the MII he was actively involved in progressing the Mediation Act 2017 in Ireland, in co-ordinating a national Code of Practice for Mediators in Ireland, and in setting national standards for the accreditation of MII mediators, a process that is internationally recognised. Gerry has designed and delivered mediation training for Community Mediation groups, HR practitioners, trade union officials, and lawyers in Ireland, the UK and the USA. Gerry has lectured to Masters students on Mediation and workplace dispute resolution with NUI Maynooth, was a former associate lecturer with the National College of Ireland, and has delivered leadership training to staff of the European Parliament in Brussels.
Dr. Quantock during his decades of working with Commission programmes and institutions he has dealt with the total range of organisations including the private, public and voluntary sectors, in many countries throughout the world. He has written many articles, and given numerous presentations around the world, and also written a book entitled “1992 and beyond” published by Wiley in the United States – designed to inform small firms about the European financial services industry. He was also joint editor with Bradford University (UK) for a series of eight publications detailing issues of various European Union policies e.g. Environment, Social and Regional Development.

John-Robert Curtin, Ph.D
Senior Fellow-Director
John-Robert has extensive experience in alternative dispute resolution, education, training and in anti-bullying efforts. He has been involved in over 10 EU funded projects and is a founding member of the 4Civility Institute. Ireland and in the US. 4Civility provides mediation training, ombuds training, certifications, software reporting systems, restorative justice and behavioral transition practice solutions to
schools, businesses and organizations. He is also the founder of and the Chief Executive Officer of Connected Learning Network, an education-based company, which has provided online services to over 120 schools, colleges, businesses and organizations worldwide. John-Robert is also known for his work in public television, as an Emmy award winning- producer and station president. His Ph.D. is from University of Louisville.

Tony Belak, JD
Senior Fellow-Director
Tony Belak was the Ombuds at the University of Louisville, Associate Director of the Center for Conflict Resolution at La Sierra University, Riverside, California, founder of The Institute for Workplace Transition, and the former Executive Director of the International Center for Collaborative Solutions at Sullivan University, Louisville, Kentucky, where he was also on the faculty of the Master of Science in Conflict
Management program. He is a faculty member of the Department of Urban and Public Affairs at the University of Louisville and associate editor of the online Journal of Conflict Management at Sullivan University. He was the Senior Dispute Resolution Counsel for the Department of Veterans Affairs and is not only a mediator and arbitrator but also a teacher in basic, advanced, and specialized conflict resolution. He is recognized for his innovation in designing conflict resolution programs within the workplace.
He has taught conflict resolution at the University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, Indiana University Southeast College of Business, and MBA courses and seminars at the Vienna campus of Webster University and Bratislava, Slovakia. He is the first attorney graduate of the George Washington University Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives (1992). He was an original founder of the Louisville Bar Association ADR Committee and served for eight years on the Kentucky Bar Association ADR Committee and as its chair for two years. He is the former Regional Counsel for the Department of Veterans Affairs and was an initial member of the Civil Justice Reform Act Committee for the Western District of Kentucky, former assistant Commonwealth Attorney, special assistant U.S. Attorney, and President of the Federal Bar Association, Kentucky Chapter. He is a certified mediator and arbitrator with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Kentucky Collaborative Family Network, the U.S. Postal Service REDRESS Program, trained as an arbitrator by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), a mediator/arbitrator with the Southern Indiana Realtors Association, Inc., and a member of the Louisville Labor-Management Committee. He also is past two term chair of the Louisville Bar Association ADR/Mediation Section and past President of the Mediation Association of Kentucky, and President of the Kentucky Chapter of the Labor and Employment Relations Association.
Mr. Belak has traveled throughout the United States and Europe lecturing and training in mediation and dispute resolution. He has taught mediation skills to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) internal mediators and conflict resolution training to United Nations and Austria Kontrollbank managers and supervisors in Vienna and Irish Department of Defense mediators in Dublin. He is the founder and past president of the Federal ADR Council, Inc., a non-profit shared neutral mediation project for federal agencies in Kentucky and Indiana, the oldest in the nation. He was instrumental in establishing the Mediation Association of Kentucky, the Jefferson County Court Annexed Mediation Rule, the Federal Court prisoner petition mediation project, and one of the earliest peer and truancy mediation programs in Jefferson County, Kentucky. He served on the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service focus group to establish core competencies for their internal roster of neutrals, the Administrative Office of the Courts Mediator Guidelines Committee, and has published articles in national magazines and local newspapers regarding conflict resolution. He began his interest in ADR as an ombudsman in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Illinois in 1973.

Dr. Paul Quantock
Senior Fellow-Director
Dr Paul Quantock has been assisting organisations in their dealings with the various European institutions since 1973. This has included identification, negotiation and submission of grant aid applications; assistance in lobbying and "contact building'' with European Commission officials; the preparation of
"Strategic Review Reports''; and general help and advice on matters affecting organisations.
During his decades of working with Commission programmes and institutions he has dealt with the total range of organisations including the private, public and voluntary sectors, in many countries throughout the world. He has written many articles, and given numerous presentations around the world, and also written a book entitled “1992 and beyond” published by Wiley in the United States – designed to inform small firms about the European financial services industry. He was also joint editor with Bradford University (UK) for a series of eight publications detailing issues of various European Union policies e.g. Environment, Social and Regional Development.
He has been recognized by the Governor and Secretary of State for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, USA for his International work and was awarded their highest honour, that of Kentucky Colonel.
He has also been appointed by the European Commission as one of their European Project Evaluation Experts in the field of vocational training.
Gerry Rooney
Senior Fellow-Director
Gerry Rooney is a former President of the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII), has joined 4Civility Ireland as a Director. Gerry brings extensive experience in workplace and commercial alternative dispute resolution services, learning and development, and Dignity at work interventions. He is a learning and development professional and experienced HR and Industrial relations practitioner; Equality Auditor; External Workplace Adjudicator with the Workplace Relations Commission; and a MII certified Mediator. Gerry trains Mediators to certification level in Ireland, and presents on Mediation and Equality issues nationally and internationally, including the presentations at the World Mediation Conference in Brazil, to EQUINET- the European Network of Equality Bodies representing some 33 member organizations from 28 EU countries, and to AMATI (Association of Mediator Assessors and Trainers) in London. In his role as President of the MII he was actively involved in progressing the Mediation Act 2017 in Ireland, in co-ordinating a national Code of Practice for Mediators in Ireland, and in setting national standards for the accreditation of MII mediators, a process that is internationally recognised. Gerry has designed and delivered mediation training for Community Mediation groups, HR practitioners, trade union officials, and lawyers in Ireland, the UK and the USA. Gerry has lectured to Masters students on Mediation and workplace dispute resolution with NUI Maynooth, was a former associate lecturer with the National College of Ireland, and has delivered leadership training to staff of the European Parliament in Brussels.Gerry has 21 years in the public sector and 15 years private sector experience. Gerry investigates allegations of abuse in care, bullying and harassment, sexual harassment, disciplinary, and whistle blowing/protective disclosure. He mediates in workplace and business/commercial disputes. Gerry is a Practitioner Member of the MII.
L8 Special Award in Workplace Adjudication,(NCI)
NUI Cert in Training and Continuous Education 2007
Advanced Practitioner in Workplace Mediation, 2004
MII Certified Mediator 2003
Certificate in Employment Law, UCD, 1999
MSc in HRD, Thames Valley University 1999
Corporate Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) since 1992
Court Appearances as Expert Witness 1982
Irish Naval Service Bridge Watch keeping Certificate, 1982
International S/Lt Course, Britannia Royal Naval College 1982
Irish Naval Service Cadetship 1979-1981
Tim Hedgley
Tim Hedgley has spent over 40 years in Criminal Justice arena in Northern Ireland. Tim served 30 years in the Police Service in Northern Ireland and set up and managed the UK’s 3rd Police public facing police internet for the RUC / PSNI. Tim was also a fully trained Press Officer and Forensic Facial Reconstruction Artist, a skill he gained in Washington USA.
Tim holds a Masters Degree in International Commercial Law and a First Class Honours Degree in Law both from the Ulster University. Tim is also an accredited Mediator, having trained at Mediation Network Northern Ireland.
Added to this Tim is also Group Travel Editor with Belfast daily, Derry daily and the Northern Ireland Travel Magazine.
Tim also is a broadcaster and is a regular guest on the two largest Radio programmes in Northern Ireland. Tim has also had appearances on various television programmes:
BBC News night, Time and the Place, This Morning, BBC Pebble Mill, News at One, News at Ten, Sky News live with Adam Bolton, BBC News, BBC Newsline, UTV News, Chanel 4 News, BBC Crimewatch, BBC Nolan Show and the Channel 4 Computer Show.
BBC Radio 2,4, Ulster News, Cool FM, Downtown, RTE news, BBC Good Morning Ulster, Sunday Sequence, Talkback, On your behalf.